Friday, 15 November 2013

Jingle Jangle Playdate is back!

I'm pleased to announce that after our successful Jingle Jangle Playdates last year, we are bringing them back!

Are you looking for something fun to do as a family this holiday season?  Do you want to "try out" Kindermusik?  Do you just love having fun with your kids, grandkids, or special children in your life?  Then Jingle Jangle Playdate is just what Santa ordered!

Join us on Saturday, January 4 at 10am for a 1-hour musical Playdate full of singing, dancing, instrument play, and more!  Registration is $20/child, and includes an instrument and music to take home!

To register or for more information, please email us at kindermusikwithmissmegan AT

I hope to see you this holiday season for some jingley, jangley fun with your little one!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

September Class Schedule is here!

It's hard to believe that our summer classes are all done, and school starts in a few weeks!  I'm happy to announce that our September Schedule is now posted!  Saturday morning classes begin September 14...stay tuned for the date and time of weekday classes, beginning in October.
We have some exciting things happening around here...ABC Music and Me daycare classes beginning in October, and we will be making an appearance at the Niagara Region Breastfeeding Challenge on October 5th - please drop by and say hello!
I'm also happy to announce that September marks our first anniversary here at Kindermusik with Miss Megan! This past year has been a whirlwind, and I'm so thankful to all of our families for your support, words of encouragement, and for sharing your time and your kidlets with me!  To say thank you for the last year, we'll have some special promotions going on over the next few weeks...keep an eye on this space for contests, giveaways and discount codes for Fall classes :-)
Here are some details on our September classes...please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, and I hope to see you in Kindermusik class this Fall!

(Saturdays beginning September 14, 2013  11:00-11:45am)
Wiggle & Grow Family Class
For Families with Children Ages 0-7 years
This music-filled class celebrates the unique joys of your growing child. Each week your child will love singing, dancing, and playing instruments with you and her new friends and you’ll love helping her practice a wide variety of abilities such as gross and fine motor skills, turn-taking, social skills, and active listening. In class, we’ll also share tips and ideas for using music throughout the week. Plus, the fun (and learning!) continue with the Kindermusik@Home digital home materials, including music from class, musical activities, and each month’s story.
(Saturdays beginning September 14, 2013; 9:30-10:15am)
Our Time
For 1.5 to 3 year olds with a Parent/Caregiver 
Our Time reflects the emotional foundations of school readiness and the latest research on music and early childhood development. Our Time is a unique opportunity for parent and child to interact and learn together in an unhurried and joyful manner.  Each week, you can nurture your toddler’s energy and creativity in a Kindermusik class designed for your child on the move! We understand that toddlers want to do it all, but really thrive most with your guidance and helping hand. So, we allow plenty of room for busy toddlers to explore and discover, to initiate their own ideas, and to respond in their own ways, while your active participation provides the security your child needs. As you play instruments, sing, and dance, you’ll uncover an engaging musical world while building your toddler’s confidence, self-control, and early language skills.

(Saturdays beginning September 14, 2013; 1:00-2:00pm)
Young Child
For 5 to 7 year olds
Young Child prepares the young child who is eager for first experiences with musical symbols and instrument discovery but is not yet ready for formal lessons and traditional music reading with an instrument.  Everything your child learns later in semesters 2, 3, and 4 begins with this early introduction to singing, reading, and writing music and rhythm. Through dances and games that focus on rhythmic development, we'll learn a keyboard instrument—the glockenspiel—which will be used throughout all the Young Child classes.



Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Summer Schedule is Here!

With Miss Megan

Summer 2013 Class Schedule

I'm so excited for our summer programming…join us for Kindermusik Adventures and explore the world through music!  We have classes for babies, toddlers, and families, as well as “camp” for our preschool and primary-aged friends! 

Email us at kindermusikwithmissmegan AT  or call 905-329-4983 for more information.  You can also join us on Facebook.



Village (0-18 months with parent/caregiver) – Kindermusik Adventures: Busy Days and Peekaboo, I Love You!

Village is for lap babies, crawlers, and walkers. It incorporates the most current research on early childhood development and provides families a special place for learning and connecting with other parents and babies through music and movement.

Busy Days - Set your baby's day to classical music. With a little more Tchaikovsky in your "Twinkle, Twinkle" repertoire, you'll discover new ways your baby benefits from the classics as you both develop an appreciation for the world's most respected music. Each lesson features new activities and songs you can sing for all the places you go together—the store, the playground, the doctor, and more.

Peekaboo, I Love You! - In five lessons, learn new songs, lullabies, and ways to say "I love you" using touch, Mother Goose rhymes, literature books, and chants. Activities include instrument play, American Sign Language, and special parent-baby dances that stimulate your baby's eyes, body and mind. Parents connect with other newborns and families in the community as well as learn how music improves the child development process.

Classes are Saturdays at 11:15am (Busy Days begins May 25/2013; Peekaboo begins July 13/2013).  Sessions run for 5 weeks each.


Our Time (1.5-3 years with parent/caregiver) – Kindermusik Adventures: Creatures in My Backyard and Zoo Train
Our Time reflects the emotional foundations of school readiness and the latest research on music and early childhood development. This class is a unique opportunity for parent and child to interact and learn together in an unhurried and joyful manner.

Creatures in My Backyard - Give your child something to talk about—or sing about—in her own backyard. Your toddler will learn all about the animals you see every day: Woodpeckers, caterpillars, ladybugs, flowers, rabbits and so much more. Through music, creative movement, puppet play, instrument exploration, storytelling and singing, your child will uncover the wonder of these creatures living in your own backyard.

Zoo Train - Five lessons feature music, stories, crafts and snacks to stimulate a toddler's emerging sense of imagination, coordination, and ability to learn more words. Tag along this summer with a traveling zoo-train; bring your own stuffed animal for the petting zoo; wear long white socks on your hands for polar bear paws; and learn about real animals in the zoo. Sing songs in new languages. Parents also learn more about child development and how music improves a toddler's ability to think, reason, create, and express.

Classes are Saturdays at 9:30am (Creatures begins May 25/2013; Zoo Train begins July 13/2013).  Sessions run for 5 weeks each.

Is your preschooler or school-aged child eager for a summer camp experience, but not quite ready for a full-day program?  Try Kindermusik Adventures Camp and watch them blossom!

Imagine That! (3-5 years) – Kindermusik Adventures Camp: On the Road
Imagine That! is designed for active, energetic, enthusiastic, and imaginative children ages 3 to 5. Classes encourage socialization, sharing, and participating in group activities.

On the Road - Your summer vacation becomes a musical learning theme, and makes the most of a preschooler's burgeoning imagination and ability to learn more words and solve problems. Take imaginary trips to summer vacation locations such as the carnival, a summer cottage, and the beach. Crafts use simple materials—most can be found around the house. You'll also learn more about how music improves your preschooler's ability to think, reason, create and express.

Classes are 1-hour, Monday – Friday at 11am (July 29-August 2/2013).  Session runs for 1 week.

Young Child (4-7 years) – Kindermusik Adventures Camp: Tell Me a Tale
Young Child prepares the young child who is eager for first experiences with musical symbols and instrument discovery but is not yet ready for formal lessons and traditional music reading with an instrument.

Tell Me a Tale - Through storytelling, your child will develop an early awareness of rhythm, movement, singing, and drama. Each lesson features a new tale from around the world, explored through multi-instrument and multi-cultural elements. All told, it's an around-the-imagination adventure of the greatest stories from Europe, Malaysia, South Africa, and more.

Classes are 1-hour, Monday – Friday at 11am (July 29-August 2/2013).  Session runs for 1 week.

Family Time (0-7 years with parents/caregivers/siblings) – Movin’ and Groovin’
Family Time brings adults and children of all ages together, providing a dynamic and integrated musical learning experience for everyone.

Movin’ & Groovin’ is a romping, rolling, stretching good time for the whole family. This ten-lesson unit of Family Time will explore lots of different ways to move—high and low, fast and slow, zigzag, curvy, and more. Family members will chug around the classroom like trains, clip-clop like horses, and roll over like puppy dogs. They’ll hear a story about playing tag together in Can You Catch Me?, and read about a jungle hokey-pokey in Put Your Left Paw In. Show your best groovin’ moves—it’s time for Movin’ & Groovin’.

Classes are Wednesdays at 6:15pm (beginning June 26/2013).  Session runs for 10 weeks.

Monday, 4 February 2013

We Love Kindermusik Contest!

From Kindermusik International, check out this great contest!

There is a fantastic prize for the winning family (and a charity of the family's choice, and the Kindermusik studio wins as well!):

During We Love Kindermusik week, the week of February 11-15, 2013, we are excited to give voice to that light in a child’s eye, that song in her heart, that little person just waiting to blossom – to acknowledge all those precious, miraculous moments we in the Kindermusik community are privileged to nurture and celebrate each and every week. Simply put, WE LOVE KINDERMUSIK WEEK is a small way we can rise together to celebrate the wonder and magic that is uniquely Kindermusik.

And so, with much joyful delight and anticipation, Kindermusik International is announcing the first-ever We Love Kindermusik Contest for KinderKids and their parents!

Information on the We Love Kindermusik Contest and Grand Prize 2013
All KinderKids and their parents have to do to enter is share why they love their Kindermusik educator and experience! The contest is open February 3-16, 2013 (midnight EST). Winner will be selected at random.

The lucky winning KinderKid and their parent will receive:

  • iPad with retina display, Wi-Fi and 32GB {perfect to use with Kindermusik@Home}
  • 1 Year of Kindermusik@Home access {which means less cost to you that year!}
  • $500 to charity of choice

When the family wins, their Kindermusik Educator also wins!

  • iPad {with retina display, Wi-Fi and 32GB – perfect to use in class!}
  • $500 of Kindermusik@Home credits {to assign to parents & kids at their studio}.

Click here to enter!

Friday, 1 February 2013

We Love Kindermusik Week is coming!

We Love Kindermusik week is almost here!  Check out Kindermusik International's blog for details...there are contests, freebies and more!
Why do you love Kindermusik?  Let us know...and thanks for being part of our Kindermusik family :-)

Monday, 21 January 2013

Join us for a FREE Preview Class this Saturday!

Want to check out our new subscription enrollment Family Class, but not sure if you're ready to sign up? 

Come join us for a FREE preview class this Saturday, January 26th at 11:15 am! 

Pre-registration is required.  Email us at kindermusikwithmissmegan AT to sign up!

This class is suitable for all ages from birth to age 7 (also great if you have more than one child, but not enough time to bring each child to a separate class)!  You are also welcome to come to the preview class if you are interested in another KM session, but want to get a taste of Kindermusik before you decide!

Just like all Kindermusik classes, our Wiggle & Grow curriculum is designed to help your child develop through the benefits of music education, in a fun, social and movement-oriented environment!  This music-filled class celebrates the unique joys of your growing child. Each week your child will love singing, dancing, and playing instruments with you and her new friends and you’ll love helping her practice a wide variety of abilities such as gross and fine motor skills, turn-taking, social skills, and active listening. In class, we’ll also share tips and ideas for using music throughout the week. Plus, the fun (and learning!) continue with the Kindermusik@Home digital home materials, including music from class, musical activities, and each month’s story. Have a baby or older child?  No problem - we give you tips and hints to adjust each activity to your child's unique personality and developmental stage. 

As a special bonus, if you register for the preview class by Thursday, January 24th, you'll receive a special Kindermusik surprise gift to take home!

Call or email us to register for this great class...I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Village and Our Time Classes begin this week!

Our traditional Kindermusik classes begin a new semester this week! 
Village classes are for babies from birth to 1 1/2 years old with their parent or caregiver.  Village is for lap babies, crawlers and walkers.  The class incorporates the most current research on early childhood development and provides families with a special place for learning and connecting with other parents and babies through music and movement.  Most importantly, it gives you time and space to bond with your baby! 
In Hickory, Dickory, Tickle & Bounce, we'll sing, play, rock, bounce and dance our way through the class!  Research shows the more you expose your baby to nursery rhymes and songs, the stronger those emerging language-learning skills will be. That's why these Mother Goose-like stories and rhymes are the main theme of this class. Plus you'll develop research-proven communication strategies with your child through listening activities, speaking "parentese," and sign language.
Not quite convinced?  Worried about what you can expect?  Here's a great article about a Mom's first experience with a Village class, and an update one year later!
Check out more details and registration links here!
For the toddler set, we also have Our Time classes.  I admit to having a special place in my heart for Our Time, as this is the class I began Kindermusik with my own child.  It was such a fantastic experience to be in a class where it was OK if she ran around and didn't have to sit still all the time, and her Kindermusik teacher was a wonderful, caring, and supportive educator who helped to give us so many tools for dealing with what can be a most challenging age!  Check out the video for a peek into an Our Time class!

Our Time reflects the emotional foundations of school readiness and the latest research on music and early childhood development.  It is a unique opportunity for parents or caregivers and their children to interact and learn together in an unhurried and joyful manner.  In Fiddle-dee-dee, we'll meet many animal characters in our books, activities, and songs—each specifically chosen for a toddler's emerging interests and physical skills. With silly, bumpy lap bounces we'll help your child develop rhythm while further developing his ever-emerging language skills. With a special stringed-emphasis in the music from class, you can bring home the violin, cello, and orchestra sounds to help your toddler stay a happy and engaged learner at home, too.  And as will all Kindermusik classes, you get fantastic at-home materials to extend the it's not just a once-a-week experience!  We still have our collection of instruments from our classes, and 5 years later, they are still favourites at playtime!

To see a picture of the at-home materials, more information, and registration links, click here.

I'd love to see you in class this semester!  Contact me for a free preview class at kindermusikwithmissmegan AT

Hope to see you soon!

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Ongoing Enrollment Classes Begin this Week!

Our Wiggle & Grow, Laugh & Learn, and Move & Groove Ongoing Enrollment classes begin this week!
These classes feature a new theme each month, and with each unit comes a fantastic package of digital at-home materials, complete with music, stories, crafts, recipes, and more! It is portable, easy to access and use any time and from any mobile device or computer, and most importantly, it's fun!
With Ongoing Enrollment, you can register anytime, and equal monthly payments makes it easy and affordable!  And digital home materials mean less paper and a greener Kindermusik experience!
Ongoing Enrollment classes are a great way to give Kindermusik a try!  Easy for parents, great for kids, and sustainable for the earth!  Check out our class info or register here.

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Happy New Year!

In honour of the New Year, we have a great promotion running...enter code HNY2013 at checkout and receive 25% off any Winter Term class!  Hurry, this offer only lasts until January 7th!
You can find our Winter Term classes here.
Happy New Year, and we wish you a very happy, healthy and musical 2013!